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LPG 1.1 (8 January 2003)

README file (essential user instructions) of LPG 1.1
Download LPG-1.1 for Linux Mandrake 8.0
Download LPG-1.1 for Sun OS 5.7

Version 1.1 is an improvement of 1.0 in which we have fixed a few minor bugs, improved the temporal quality of the plans,  and added a few opitions that can be set by the user (see the end of the README file).  While in version 1.0 mutex actions cannot (even partially) overlap, version 1.1 supports partial overlapping of mutex  actions, as specified in PDDL 2.1. This and the elimination of a minor bug in the implementation of the heuristic function tend to improve the quality of the plans that are gereneted. The new options, that by default are switched off, allow to (1) set a CPU-time search limit  (useful when the system cannot find all solutions  requested by the user); (b) reduce the size of the space used by the mutex relations between actions, which are computed at run time instead of being  precomputed (useful for very large problems); (c)  take the partial overlapping of mutex actions into account during the neighbourhood evaluation (sometimes leads to plans of better quality).

LPG 1.0

README file (essential user instructions) of LPG 1.0
Download LPG-1.0 for Linux Mandrake 8.0
Download LPG-1.0 for Sun OS 5.7

LPG 1.0 is a slighltly revised version of the system that was used in the 3rd International Planning Competition.